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Mathematics RevisionAdditionSubtractionTimes TablesMultiplicationDivisionNumbers and Place ValueRapid Recall Number SkillsQuick 10 - MathematicsRevision/Exam Prep (Maths)Two Step Problem SolvingFractionsDecimalsMoney and Financial MattersPatterns and AlgebraData, Graphs and StatisticsChance and probabilityConverting between units (time, length, mass, volume)TimeLengthAreaMassVolumeAnglesTwo-dimensional shapesThree-dimensional objectsLocation and TransformationAssessments Assessments - Upper primaryAssessments - Pre-primaryAssessments - Lower primaryExtendPrintable WorksheetsHundreds ChartTeaching ResourcesClass game - Number GuessTimes Tables (only interactives)
Mathematics RevisionAdditionSubtractionTimes TablesMultiplicationDivisionNumbers and Place ValueRapid Recall Number SkillsQuick 10 - MathematicsRevision/Exam Prep (Maths)Two Step Problem SolvingFractionsDecimals
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Year 1-
Data - less or more
For students
- Answer yes/no questions to collect data
For students
- Answer simple questions to collect data
- Practice
For teachers
- Many ways to sort
For students
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Year 2-
Two way sorts
For students
- Choose simple questions to gather responses
For students
- Data - reading charts
For students
- Data - reading charts
- Practice
- Picture graphs
For students
- Picture graphs
- Tutorial
- Picture graphs
- Practice
- Interpret data presented using drawings and symbols
For students
- Interpret data as drawings
- Practice
For teachers
- Display data using objects and drawings
- Printable
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Year 3-
Interpret data presented in a table
For students
- Data tables
- Practice
- Reading tables.
- Practice
For teachers
- Picture graphs.
For students
- Picture graphs
- Tutorial
- Interpret data presented with tally marks
For students
- Data - tally marks
- Practice
For teachers
- Interpret data presented in lists
For students
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Year 4-
Collecting Data
For students
- Column graphs
For students
- Column graphs
- Tutorial
- Column graphs
- Practice
- Interpreting Column Graphs - 3
- Practice
- Reading column graphs
- Printable
For teachers
- Display data using a simple column graph
- Printable
- Collecting data and making a bar graph
- Printable
- Column graphs
Collecting Data
- Interpret data presented in lists
- Interpret data presented with tally marks
- Picture graphs.
Interpret data presented in a table
- Interpret data presented using drawings and symbols
- Picture graphs
- Data - reading charts
- Choose simple questions to gather responses
Two way sorts
- Many ways to sort
- Answer yes/no questions to collect data