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Paris Summer Olympic GamesThemed WorksheetsFlags of the WorldTokyo Summer Olympic GamesClass GamesFood ChainsThemed PrintablesSpidersBirds and FlightReptilesAmphibiansBack To School ActivitiesLife CyclesAustralian AnimalsNumber ChartsRocks, Erosion and Changing LandscapesFossil FuelsFossilsVolcanoesExtreme Weather EventsWaterSimple CircuitsStatic ElectricitySustainable EnergyEarthquakes and TsunamisManaging Waste ResponsiblyElectricityWhales Shadows and Light Products and Materials The Solar System The Human Body Global WarmingPolar BearsWorld Poetry DayElimination Of Racial DiscriminationRio Olympics 2016: Classroom ActivitiesDinosaursSpecial events
Paris Summer Olympic GamesThemed WorksheetsFlags of the WorldTokyo Summer Olympic GamesClass GamesFood ChainsThemed PrintablesSpidersBirds and FlightReptilesAmphibiansBack To School ActivitiesLife Cycles
Class Games
Class Games
Mixed Grades-
Number Guess
For students
- Number Guess 1-30
- Practice
- Number Guess 1-30 (multi player)
- Practice
- Number Guess 1-100
- Practice
- Number Guess 1-100 (multi player)
- Practice
- Number Guess 1-1000
- Practice
- Number Guess 1-1000 (multi player)
- Practice
- Number Guess -100 to 100
- Practice
Mathematics Number Wheel Bingo
For teachers
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 30 (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 30
- Practice
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 50 (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 50
- Practice
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 100 (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - Numbers 1 - 100
- Practice
- Bingo - Science Images (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - Science Images
- Practice
- Bingo - 2D shapes (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - 2D shapes
- Practice
Word/Image Number Wheel Bingo
For teachers
- Bingo - CVC words (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - CVC words
- Practice
- Bingo - Animals (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - Animals
- Practice
- Bingo - letters (a-z) (Game Cards)
- Printable
- Bingo - letters (a-z)
- Practice
- Bingo - capital letters (A-Z)
- Practice